The Friuli Venezia Giulia Board of Ski Instructors

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Board of Ski Instructors is a self-disciplining and self-governing body for professional ski instructors that works in close partnership with the Italian Board of Ski Instructors, the Friuli Venezia Giulia regional authorities and the Italian Winter Sports Federation.

All of the instructors that are registered members of the regional Association of Italian Ski Instructors and Board of Ski Instructors are part of the Board. They gather together for a General Meeting and every four years they elect an Executive Committee, which in turn elects a President, a Vice-president and a Treasurer with a four-year term of office.

Numerous activities are carried out by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Board of Ski Instructors

In this sphere, the Board’s duties range from running and updating the professional Association to monitoring the work done in the field and taking disciplinary measures when necessary. It also works in close partnership with the relevant regional and national authorities in order to provide up-to-date, proactive support, partly with the aim of properly promoting the professional image of members.

The Board organizes the legally required refresher courses that must be followed by existing members of the Association in order to renew their membership and it advertises them well in advance on its website. The Board may also organize specialization courses and exams in conjunction with the Italian National Board of Ski Instructors and the regional authorities.

The Board offers aspiring ski instructors all of the guidance needed to qualify and organizes the relevant training courses and exam sessions in partnership with the regional authorities and the technical bodies of the Italian Winter Sports Federation. In addition to practical and theoretical matters (including teaching and educational topics), the Board also aims to take an in-depth look with applicants at cultural matters associated with respect and knowledge of the mountains and the surrounding areas, as well as safety, first aid and the rights, duties and responsibilities of ski instructors (for further information about the topics covered, see

Supervision and protection

In this sphere, the Board’s duties range from running and updating the professional Association to monitoring the work done in the field and taking disciplinary measures when necessary. It also works in close partnership with the relevant regional and national authorities in order to provide up-to-date, proactive support, partly with the aim of properly promoting the professional image of members.

Continuing professional development for instructors

The Board organizes the legally required refresher courses that must be followed by existing members of the Association in order to renew their membership and it advertises them well in advance on its website. The Board may also organize specialization courses and exams in conjunction with the Italian National Board of Ski Instructors and the regional authorities.

Training new instructors

The Board offers aspiring ski instructors all of the guidance needed to qualify and organizes the relevant training courses and exam sessions in partnership with the regional authorities and the technical bodies of the Italian Winter Sports Federation. In addition to practical and theoretical matters (including teaching and educational topics), the Board also aims to take an in-depth look with applicants at cultural matters associated with respect and knowledge of the mountains and the surrounding areas, as well as safety, first aid and the rights, duties and responsibilities of ski instructors (for further information about the topics covered, see

Organization chart

Marco Del Zotto

President of the Board

Riccardo De Infanti

Vice-president of the Board

Daniele Sabidussi


Tamara Puntil

Committee Member

Alessandro Pandolfo

Committee Member

Lorenzo Alberti

Committee Member

Mario Fabretto

Committee Member